Welcome to TutaSIAK Pages.

TUTA Academic Information System Using Laravel Framework


  • Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/tutacare/tutasiak.git
  • Change directory: cd tutasiak/
  • Install Laravel: composer install --prefer-dist
  • Change your database settings in config/database.php
  • Migrate your database: php artisan migrate
  • Seed your database: php artisan db:seed
  • View your application in browser

Designer Templates

comming soon


comming soon

Authors and Contributors

We are a small project for leisure. Thank all the open source community for helping this small project become so successful. Irfan Mahfudz Guntur the main developer and owner of TutaSIAK (Tuta Academic Information System) The inspiration behind developing TutaSIAK was to gain knowledge about Laravel.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with TutaSIAK? contact https://twitter.com/tutacare or email: info@mytuta.com and we’ll help you sort it out.